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Bible Facts




[ The Bible ] [ Christian Beliefs ] [ Quotes ]

The Bible:  

Who Wrote What:

& When Was it Written: (Source)


( OT )


Genesis *Moses – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Exodus   *Moses – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Leviticus *Moses – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Numbers *Moses – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Deuteronomy *Moses – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Joshua *Joshua – Around 1440 or 1290 BC

Judges ??? – 10th century BC

Ruth ??? – 10th century BC

I Samuel ??? – 8th-6th century BC

II Samuel ??? – 8th-6th century BC

I Kings ??? – 6th-5th century BC

II Kings Jeremiah – 627 to 580 BC

Lamentations Jeremiah – 586 BC

Ezekiel Ezekiel – 593 to 570 BC

Daniel Daniel – 605 to 530 BC

Hosea Hosea – 753-715 BC

Joel Joel – 800's BC or 500 – 400 BC

Amos Amos – 767 to 753 BC

Obadiah Obadiah – 847 to 841 BC

Jonah 700's BC

Micah Micah – 740 to 695 BC

Nahum Nahum – 661-612 BC or 722-701 BC

Habakkuk Habakkuk – 612 and 587 BC

Zephaniah Zephaniah – 640-609 BC


* These authors are thought of traditionally as the actual authors. There is some speculation however due to the fact that, at the end of these works, it mentions the death of the authors in question. Also the dates mentioned are in conjunction with the exodus, which took place from Egypt. The exact time of this exodus however is also in question, but most commonly assumed to have taken place around one of the above mentioned dates.  


! Moses - Psalm 90

- Heman the Ezrahite - Psalm 88

- Ethan the Ezrahite - Psalm 89

- Solomon - Psalm 72, 127

- David (73 times) - Psalms 3-9, 11-32, 34-41, 51-65, 68-70, 86, 103, 108-110, 122, 124, 131, 133, 138-145

- Asaph (12 times) - Psalms 50, 73-83

- Sons of Korah (9 times) Psalm 42, 44-45, 47-49, 84-85, 87

- Author unknown - (49 times) the remainder

- The Septuagint (an early Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible from around 200 BC) gives some additional authorship identification, as follows:

- Jeremiah - Psalm 137

- Haggai and Zechariah - Psalms 146-147

- Ezra - Psalm 119

- Hezekiah (15 times) Psalms 120-134

- The psalms, based on the authorship attributions, would then date between the 15th century (or 13th, depending on the time of the Exodus) and the 5th century, by which time the book probably took the form it currently has.




Haggai Haggai – As provided by Haggai

           - 1:1 August 29, 520 BC

           - 1:15 September 21, 520 BC

           - 2:19-20 December 18, 520 BC

Zechariah Chapters 1-8, Zechariah

        - 1:1 October, 520 BC

        - 1:7 February 15, 519 BC

        - 7:1 December 7, 518 BC

        Chapters 9-11, Jeremiah

        - See Matthew 27:9-10

        - 627 to 580 BC

         Chapters 12-14

        - Unknown

Malachi Isaiah – 740 to 690 BC

        - See Mark 1:2-3


( NT )


Matthew Matthew – AD 55 to 75

Mark Mark – before AD 70

Luke Luke – before AD 60

John John – between AD 85 and 90

The Acts Luke – AD 64

Romans Paul – AD 56 or 57

I Corinthians Paul – AD 55

II Corinthians Paul – AD 56

Galatians Paul – AD 52

Ephesians Paul – AD 63

Philippians Paul – AD 59 to 61

Colossians Paul – AD 62

I Thessalonians Paul – AD 50

II Thessalonians Paul – AD 50

I Timothy Paul – AD 62 to 67

II Timothy Paul – AD 62 to 67

Titus Paul – AD 63

Philemon Paul – AD 56 to 62

Hebrews Paul – #

James James – AD 45 to 50

I Peter Peter – AD 62 to 64

II Peter Peter – AD 64 to 68

I John John – AD 85 to 90

II John John – AD 90

III John John – AD 90

Jude Jude – AD 60 to 65

Revelation John – AD 54 to 68 or between AD 81 to 96


^ 1:1-24:22 is attributed to Solomon (thus dating to the 900's BC)

- 24:23-34 are attributed to "the wise"

- 25:1-29:27 are attributed to Solomon, but were collected and recorded by "Hezekiah's men".

- 30:1-33 is attributed to Agur

- 31:1-31 is attributed to Lemuel


# Traditionally Paul has been given credit for the book, though there is nothing in the book to suggest that he is the author; and from the standpoint of the style and structure of the book Pauline authorship is so unlikely as to be excluded as even reasonably possible. Written between AD 66 and AD 70 (certainly written before the destruction of Jerusalem AD 70).


Christian Beliefs

bulletThe Bible
bullet Trinity - The monotheistic belief that God is a triune God.
bullet Creeds -  are formal statements of belief based on holy Scripture that have been formulated as statements of orthodoxy.
bullet The Apostles' Creed
bullet The Athanasian Creed
bullet The Chalcedonian Creed
bullet The Nicene Creed
bullet Catholic & Protestant Differences - (This article is biased towards Protestantism but does provide a basic outline in the history of both churches)




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This site was last updated 12/18/01