From the book, What People Ask
About The Church, by Dale A. Robbins
What is the difference between a Protestant
church and a Catholic church?
both Protestants and Roman Catholics share the common ground of being
founded upon faith in Jesus Christ, there are significant differences
between the two groups. From general observation, one can see contrasts
in everything from the way that their clergymen dress, to the way their
services are conducted. Unlike most Protestant churches, Catholic masses
are conducted in a liturgical fashion, with much emphasis upon symbols,
rituals and ceremony.
Addition, the Catholic church has traditionally regulated the type of
Bible translation used in the church. For centuries, the only version
authorized for use was the Latin Vulgate, a translation from the
original languages by Jerome, in around 400 A.D. This Bible reads very
similar to Protestant translations, however with a major exception. The
Catholic version contains the Apocrypha, a collection of seven complete
books and a few additions to others. These are considered non-inspired
writings written between the period of the Old and New Testaments. Only
one is actually dated. Two books, Judith and Tobit tell of the Assyrian
and Babylonian invasions. Two more, 1st and 2nd Maccabees record the
Jewish war of independence of around 165 B.C. Two more, Ecclesiasticus
and Wisdom of Solomon, are considered books of wisdom. Another is an
addendum to Jeremiah, and there are short additions to Esther and
Daniel. The Protestants do not include them because they have never met
the criteria for divine inspiration. Further, the writings of Jewish
historian Josephus (in 90 A.D.) indicated that the Jews did not accept
the books of the Apocrypha as a part of their scriptures, and although
Jesus and the Apostles quoted frequently and accurately from almost
every other Old Testament book, never once did they quote from the
Apocrypha. Even if accepted, it would not alter the message of the New
Testament, and it doesn't appear that much, if any, of the doctrines of
the Catholic church had any foundation from the Apocrypha
As we have
said, there are many differences worth noting between Protestants and
Catholics. However, the main distinction that sets them apart is the
authority to which they look for their core beliefs. To help you
understand this, let's first explain some of the detail about their
origin in church history.
comes from the Greek, KATHOLIKOS, which means "throughout the whole, or
universal," and was used as a general reference to the entire Christian
church until the reformation period. However, as early as the fourth
century, the Catholic church began adopting traditions and beliefs which
were never a part of original Christianity as seen in the New Testament.
It appears that many of these new ideas first emerged from the era of
the Roman Emperor, Constantine who ruled from 313 to 337 A.D.
contrast to his predecessor, Diocletian, who had vowed to destroy
Christianity in 303, Constantine claimed a conversion to Christianity
and virtually instituted it as the empire's religion by his Edict of
Milan in 313 A.D. This proclamation of religious freedom brought about
many positive changes for the church, and was certainly a much welcomed
turnabout from the years of brutal persecution. But instead of
converting completely from the old practices of paganism, this and the
new Christian religion were somewhat mingled together. Since an Emperor
was viewed as a god by pagan standards, and he already held the lifelong
position of "Pontifex Maximus," chief priest of the pagan state
religion, Constantine felt it only proper that he should also claim a
high position of leadership in the church he also authorized many of
his secular officials as church leaders. This merger of a pagan,
Christian and political hierarchy, produced a diluted spiritual
leadership for the church, and its beliefs and doctrines thereafter
became increasingly infected with a strange combination of traditions
and pagan beliefs.
Christian creed adopted at the Council of Nicaea in 325 (called for and
presided over by Constantine) was theologically encouraging, but it was
also in this era that the church first accepted such unscriptural ideas
as praying for the dead, the veneration of angels and dead saints, the
use of images, and the celebration of daily mass. This regression from
scripture continued through the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., where
the worship of Mary became an official doctrine of the church, referring
to her as the "Mother of God." And only nine years later in 440, Leo,
bishop of Rome was the first to declare himself the successor of St.
Peter and laid claim to the role of Universal Bishop, a forerunner of
papal authority. While this was widely disputed, Leo commanded that all
should obey him on the false notion that he held the primacy of St.
Leo's successor, Gregory I, was given the title of universal "Pope"
(Latin "papas" or father) by the wicked emperor Phocas in 604. He
refused the title, however his successor, Boniface III, did accept it
and became the first in a long line of successors to be recognized as
Pope. Under the new papal authority in the seventh century, many more
new beliefs were added to the church, such as the unbiblical doctrine of
purgatory (593), the required use of Latin in prayer and worship (600),
and prayers said to Mary, dead saints and angels (600).
One reason
many of these strange ideas gained accepted credibility was because the
Bible was not readily available to the common people, either in print or
in translation. They had no idea what the Bible really taught. It was
restricted only to priests trained to interpret it as it pleased the
church hierarchy. Further, the popes claimed the authority to speak
under the unique utterance of "Ex Cathedria," which in effect meant
divine inspiration. Their proclamations and decrees carried supreme
authority to interpret or overrule Holy Scripture, and to invent
whatever doctrines or practices they wished.
The next
four hundred years saw many more new beliefs added to the church: The
ritual kissing of the Pope's foot (709), temporal (political) power
granted to the Pope (750), worship of the crucifix, images and relics
(786), holy water mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by a priest
(850), the worship of St. Joseph (890), the establishment of the college
of Cardinals to elect the popes (927), the baptism of bells (965), the
canonization of dead saints (995), and prescribed fastings on Fridays
and during lent (998).
A break in
the church occurred in 1054 over a relatively trivial issue, when the
eastern church condemned the western church for the use of unleavened
bread in the Eucharist. The dispute resulted in Rome's attempt to
excommunicate Michael Cerulararious, the Patriarch of Constantinople,
who in turn, sought to excommunicate Pope Leo IX of Rome. From that
time, the western (Roman Catholic) church and the eastern (Greek
Orthodox) churches developed separately each with their distinct
traditions. A classic example of a church split.
As the
Roman Catholic Church continued with new independence, it added even
more remarkable doctrines that were not taken from the Bible. In 1079,
Pope Gregory VII declared the shocking decree of celibacy for the
priesthood. Peter the Hermit invented the technique of praying with
rosary beads in 1090. A few of the other beliefs and practices
authorized by the church were: The inquisition of alleged heretics
(1184), the sale of indulgences (1190), the doctrine of
transubstantiation (1215), auricular confession of sins to a priest
instead of to God (1215), adoration of the wafer (1220), the forbidding
of Bible reading by laity (1229), the scapular (1251), the forbidding of
sharing the communion cup with laity (1414), the establishment of
purgatory as an irrefutable dogma (1439), and the composition of the
"Ave Maria" (1508).
Up to this
point, the somewhat similar Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
were the two main institutions representing Christianity. But in the
sixteenth century, events occurred which would bring a worldshaking
reformation of Christian thought. A Catholic monk and professor of
theology named Martin Luther, became convinced that the Bible was the
only true authority in matters of spiritual instruction, and sought to
reform the church with this new insight and to expose its errant
Born in
Eisleben in 1483, Luther first pursued studies in law at Erfurt, but in
1505 he chose instead to join the Augustinian Hermits in Erfurt where he
studied theology. After his ordination in 1507, he was sent by his order
to the university of Wittenburg to teach moral theology, and in 1512 he
became the professor of biblical studies.
ambitions of reformation emerged from his lifelong search for spiritual
conclusions in his personal life. After many years of studying the
scriptures, he came to reject all theology based only on tradition and
embraced the idea of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through
faith. He believed that all our actions stem from God and that He chose
to forgive the sinner by His sovereign grace that we are justified not
by our deeds, but by faith alone. In 1520, Luther wrote a treatise to
Pope Leo X, called "The Freedom of A Christian," which outlined the
conclusions of his study of scripture. In it, he made this famous
statement: "The word of God cannot be received and cherished by any
works whatever, but only by faith. Therefore it is clear that as the
soul needs only the Word of God for its life and righteousness, so it is
justified by faith alone and not by works; for if it could be justified
by anything else, it would not need the Word and consequently, it would
not need faith."
The move
toward reformation began to emerge on the eve of All Saints Day, October
31, 1517, when Martin Luther announced a disputation regarding the
indulgences of the church. He stated his argument in 95 theses which he
posted on the north door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg an act not
especially unusual as the church doors were often used as a notice
The 95
Theses were not originally intended to promote a reformation movement.
They were simply the proposal of an earnest university professor to
discuss the theology of indulgences in light of the errors and abuses
that had grown over the centuries. Although heavily academic in tone,
news of them spread rapidly in Europe. All were amazed how one obscure
monk from a new and unknown university could stir the whole of Europe.
The sale
of indulgences, which Luther opposed, was based upon a common fear of
purgatory, supposedly a painful place of temporal "purging" of the soul
after death to make the soul pure for entrance into Heaven. The people
would pay for the special indulgences of a priest to shorten their term
in purgatory. Luther saw that this trade in indulgences was completely
unfounded by scripture, reason or tradition. It was, in effect,
directing attention away from God and His forgiveness and looking to man
for the absolving of sins.
December of 1517, the archbishop of Mainz complained to Rome about
Luther. Confronted with opposition, Luther's stand became even more
determined. He refused to recant his position, and fled town when
summoned to Rome. In July 1519, during a disputation at Leipzig with
John Eck, his fiercest opponent, Luther denied the supremacy of the Pope
and the infallibility of general councils. He burned the papal bull
which threatened his excommunication, but nevertheless, the decree came
from the Pope in 1520, and he was subsequently outlawed by the Emperor
Charles V at Worms in 1521. For his safety, Luther was seized and taken
to Wartburg Castle under the protection of Frederick of Saxony. While
there, he spent his time translating the New Testament into German so
that everyone might have access to the Bible.
months later in 1522, he returned to Wittenburg to begin the reform of
worship away from the rigid forms of Rome. Over the next 25 years,
Luther published many books in German, written to the common people so
that they could judge for themselves, his doctrines and disputes with
Rome. As a result, his followers continued to multiply.
In 1529,
at the Diet of Speyer, the Emperor Charles V attempted to smother
Luther's movement by force, but some of the German state princes stood
up in protest. Thus, because of their protest, the movement began to be
known as the "Protestants." What had originally been intended to bring
reform to Catholicism from within, was now an ousted reformation, forced
to split from the original body.
In 1530,
Luther presented beliefs of the new movement at the Diet of Augsburg, in
a peace-seeking, non controversial attempt to explain their views. But
as a result, the division between the Catholic and Protestants remained
and became more distinct. New churches began to emerge referred to as
"Evangelical" or "Protestant." And from this came three other branches:
The Lutherans (in Germany and Scandinavia), the Zwinglian and Calvinists
(in Switzerland, France, Holland and Scotland), and the Church of
Significant social, political and economic changes followed the
reformation, and in some ways helped to shape it further before Luther's
death in 1546. But besides exposing the errant beliefs of Catholicism,
the reformation which produced the Protestant church was primarily a
rediscovery of the authority of God's Word and the salvation which is by
faith in the savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a
brief explanation of the historical origin of Catholics and Protestants,
and as you can see, the disparities are many. But in the simplest of
terms, the basic difference between them is the authority they look to
for their beliefs. The Protestant Church generally embraces the Bible as
its sole source of authority and faith, while the Catholic Church views
the post-biblical traditions of the church and its Popes to have more
than equal authority with scripture.
article is copyrighted © by
Dale A. Robbins,
1995, and is a publication of Victorious Publications, Grass Valley, CA
95949. Unless otherwise stated, all scripture references were taken from
The New King James Bible, © Thomas Nelson Inc., 1982.You may download
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