following article was copied from
this site and was written by Ron Rhodes.
from the Scriptures Ministry.
What does Jesus mean when He refers
to Himself as the "Alpha and Omega" (Revelation 1:8 & 22:13)?
The backdrop to understanding this
title is the Book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 44:6 God Almighty affirms: "I am the
first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God." Again, in Isaiah
48:12, God said: "I am he; I am the first and I am the last," and God
said this right after His pronouncement that "I will not yield my glory to
another" (verse 11b). Christ's use of this title in Revelation 22:12-13 was
thus undoubtedly intended to be taken as a claim to be God Almighty. No other
conclusion is acceptable.
Of course, to the modern ear, the
claim to be the Alpha and the Omega may seem strange. But for the ancient Jew,
Christ was describing Himself in a way they would have readily understood.
Though the letters Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek
alphabet, John recorded the Book of Revelation for Jewish readers who were also
familiar with the Hebrew language and alphabet. And therein lies the
significance of Christ's claim. In Jewish thinking, a reference to the first and
last letters of an alphabet (aleph and tau in Hebrew) was regarded as including
all the intermediate letters, and came to represent totality or entirety.
It is with this idea in mind that the
Jews in their ancient commentaries on the Old Testament said that Adam
transgressed the whole law from aleph to tau. Abraham, by contrast, observed the
whole law from aleph to tau. The Jews also believed that when God brings
blessing upon Israel, He does so abundantly, from aleph to tau.
When used of God (or Christ),
the first and last letters express eternality and omnipotence. Christ's claim to
be the Alpha and the Omega--like God Almighty's claim in the Old Testament--is
an affirmation that He is the all-powerful One of eternity past and eternity